Invierte en colivings en el centro de Dublín con una rentabilidad neta estimada entre el 7-13%
The properties will be purchased with investment tickets starting at 50,000 euros.
Datos clave
50.000 - 250.000 €
Investment tickets
7 - 13 %
Annual net profitability
Purchase and adaptation of the property to operate it in COLIVING mode
Razones para invertir en Irlanda
Great investment appeal in Europe. Recognized for its robust economy and extremely favorable business environment, Ireland has established itself as a preferred destination for global investors.
Economía robusta
Irlanda goza de un crecimiento económico sostenido, bajo desempleo y un entorno empresarial favorable. El PIB de Irlanda ha ido aumentado de 49.300 millones de euros en 1990 a 504.600 millones de euros en el 2023.
Alta demanda de vivienda
Dublin’s population is growing while housing supply is limited, creating a strong rental market.
Aumento del valor de las propiedades
Property prices in Dublin are expected to continue to rise, offering a good return on investment.
Atractivo estilo de vida
Dublin is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city with a high standard of living.
Destino Ideal para estudiantes
According to the most recent statistics, Dublin is home to over 150,000 university students, in addition to over 100,000 students attending language schools.

La zona: Dublín

Dublin, Ireland’s vibrant capital, is recognized as an attractive investment destination in Europe, thanks to its strong economy, cultural heritage and young, educated population. It is the economic heart of Ireland and a key hub for technological innovation, hosting the European offices of giants such as Google, Facebook and Apple. These characteristics not only drive significant investments in the technology sector, but also foster a dynamic and competitive business environment.
In terms of infrastructure, Dublin has an advanced transport network linking the city to Ireland and the world. Dublin Airport, one of the busiest in Europe, is essential for trade and tourism, linking Dublin to global business centres. Urban development projects are currently underway to increase accessibility and quality of life. Investments in infrastructure, coupled with natural beauty, history and a vibrant cultural scene, make Dublin a perfect location for both business and everyday life.
From an educational perspective, Dublin stands out as a center of academic excellence with renowned institutions such as the University of Dublin, Trinity College and University College Dublin attracting international students. This multicultural atmosphere is ideal for the emergence of new ideas and businesses. The sizeable student population fosters demand for housing, services and entertainment, opening up investment opportunities in the real estate and services sectors.
Nuestro partner
In our collaboration with GrowPro, we are committed to providing innovative and reliable solutions for students facing the challenge of finding suitable housing.
Thanks to our partnership with GrowPro, we ensure a stable income, backed by experience in managing more than 1,000 students per year.
Our investments in Dublin represent our dedication to solving the accommodation problems commonly faced by students, providing them with a comfortable and safe space to live during their studies.

Principales infraestructuras e inversiones
Dublin, being an important economic and cultural centre, has various key infrastructures and investments that stand out on the European and global stage.

Aeropuerto de Dublín
El aeropuerto de Dublín, infraestructura crítica de Irlanda y motor económico clave, es uno de los más concurridos de Europa, impulsando comercio y turismo. Con inversiones para su expansión y modernización, busca aumentar capacidad y mejorar la experiencia de viaje, reforzando su papel en la conectividad internacional de Irlanda.

Silicon Docks
Silicon Docks en Dublín, comparado con Silicon Valley de EE. UU., es un centro clave de tecnología y negocios, albergando sedes europeas de gigantes como Google y Facebook. Esencial para la inversión en tecnología e innovación, refleja el compromiso de Dublín con el sector tecnológico y su estatus como hub de innovación.

Renovación Urbana
Dublin is facing a surge in housing development and urban renewal to meet housing demand and improve quality of life. Projects include new construction and infrastructure improvements, which are crucial for population and economic growth, keeping Dublin attractive and liveable.
Nuestros clientes lo dicen mejor
Muy buena experiencia con PropHero
Muy buena experiencia con Prophero. Se encargaron de todo el proceso y superaron las expectativas del plan de negocio. 100% recomendake

Fernando Fernandez-kelly

Gran equipo, gran experiencia
Te presentan al equipo que te asistirá durante el viaje de inmediato y desde entonces no tienes que preocuparte por nada ya que ellos te estarán guiando a través de todo el proceso. ¡Básicamente, lo hacen simple para usted y están listos para brindar soporte en cualquier momento!

Borja Trénor

Gran servicio y alta profesionalidad
Gran servicio y alta profesionalidad. Encontraron un gran inmueble a buen precio. Lo estoy alquilando obteniendo una muy buena rentabilidad. Llevaron ellos el proceso de comienzo a fin sin tener yo que involucrarme nada. Vamos que ahora tengo un piso comprado y alquilado sin darme practicamente cuenta. Los recomiendo 100%!

Alejandro Aguiar

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